1. Super-resolution MRI through Deep Learning (Qing Lyu et al, 2018 )
- Two SOTA NN for CT denoting and deblurring, transfering them for super-resolution MRI
- Two-fold resolution enhancement
2. CT Super-resolution GAN Constrained by the Identical, Residual, and Cycle Learning Ensemble(GAN-CIRCLE)
- Reference of [1]
3. MRI Super-Resolution with Ensemble Learning and Complementary Priors ( Qing Lyu et al, 2019 )
- Obtaining high-quality MR image is often challenging
- Ensemble learning and DL framework for MR image Super Resolution
- First enlarged low resolution images using 5 commonly used super-resolution algs and obtained differentiallly enlarged image datasets with complementary priors
- Then, GAN is trained with each dataset to generate super-resolution MR images
- Finally, CNN is used for ensemble learning that synergies the outputs of GANs into the final MR SR images.
- According to results, the ensemble learning results outcome any one of GAN outputs
4. Efficient and Accurate MRI Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network and 3D Multi-level Densely Connected Network ( Yuhua Chen, 2018, MICCAI )
3d NN design - multi-level densely connected super-resolution network (mDCSRN) with GAN
The GAN promotes realistic output hardly distinguishable from original HR images
5. Brain MRI super resolution using 3D deep densely connected neural networks ( Yuhua Chen et al, 2018, ISBI )
- Single Image Super resolution (SISR)
- 3D Densely Connected Super Resolution Network ( DCSRN )
- 4x resolution-reduced images | This model outperforms bicubic interpolation
Jiancong Wang et al, 2020, WACV : winter conference on Applications of CV )
6. Enhanced generative adversarial network for 3D brain MRI super-resolution (
Single Image Super resolution (SISR) on 3D images
GAN framework and developed a generator coupled w/ discriminator to tackle the task of 3D SISR on T1 brain MRI images
Developed a 3D memory-efficient residual-dense block generator ( MRDG ) that achieves SOTA performance in terms of PSNR, SSIM, NRMSE ( normalized MSE Error )
Pyramid pooling discriminator ( PPD ) to recover details on diff. size scales simultaneously
Introduced a model blending, simple and computational efficient method to balance btw image and texture quality in the final output
7. Image super-resolution using progressive generative adversarial networks for medical image analysis ( Dwarikanath Mahaptra et al, 2018, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics )
- Proposed an image super-resolution method using progressive GAN ( P - GANs ) which takes an input a low resolution image and generate a high resolution image of desired scaling factor
- Primary Contribution : proposing a multi-stage model where the output image quality of one stage is progressively improved in the next stage by using a triplet loss function
- Triplet loss enables stepwise image quality improvement by using the output of the previous stage as the baseline
- Results show that this multi-stage P-GAN outperforms competing methods and baseline GANs.
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